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Produtos por autor | WATSON, Jean

  Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN_BC, FAAN Distinguished Professor of Nursing; Murchinson-Scoville Endowed Chair in Caring Science, University of Colorado, Denver   Dr. Watson has vast experience in several areas of nursing but is most widely known for her leadership and scholarship in the area of nursing caring theory and Caring Science.  She is a widely published author and recipient of several awards and honors, including an international Kellogg Fellowship in Australia, a Fulbright Research Award in Sweden. She holds six (6) Honorary Doctoral Degrees, including 3 International Honorary Doctorates (Sweden, United Kingdom, and Quebec, Canada).As author /co-author of over 12 books on caring, and caring theory and philosophy and science of caring. Her latest books range from empirical measurements of caring, to new postmodern philosophies of caring and healing. Her most recent book is Caring Science as Sacred Science (2005) Philadelphia: FA Davis. These latest works, both AJN books of the year awards, seek to bridge paradigms as well as point toward transformative models for the 21st century.

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